Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Heki-Ryu Kyudo and Chikurin-Ha

The Chikurin Schools of Kyudo I was shown, are forms of Heki-ryu. We often add the Heki-ryu to the end of the name; ie Kishu-Chikurin-Ha-Heki-ryu.

Yoshida Shigekata studied under Heki Danjo and formed Iga Heki-ryu. Chikurinbo Josei studied under Yoshida Shigekata and formed Chikurin-Ha.

Two of Chikurinbo's students started their own schools: Hoshino Kanzaemon formed Bishu-Chikurin-Ha (he held the record at Sanjusangendo [120 meter competition, how many arrows and hits in 24 hours] with 10,542 shots and 8000 hits) His sempai, Yoshimi Junsei formed Kishu-Chikurin-ha. Yoshimi Junsei's student Daihachiro Wasa set the next record at sanjusangendo with 13,056 shots, and 8,133 hits.

The story says that with Daihachiro was just about to beat the record he wanted to compose himself and took a short break. But when he went to pick up the bow again, his hand had swollen so he couldn't grip the bow. A master came over and scolded him for taking a break; the master then made a small slit to release the pressure on Daihachiro's hand. Daihachiro then went on to set the record. The master who scolded him was none other than Hoshino Kanzaemon, the previous record holder. The previous record holder thus helped to have his own record beaten in order to promote the art of kyudo.


  1. An interesting note for Kosaka Sensei's students is that both Chikurin-bo and Yoshimi Junsei became Shingon Priests.

  2. Thank you ElvisS_Scholteno188. It's hard to know how many people read the blogs. The more that are finding them useful and enjoying them, the more likely I am to add to them.

  3. Kosaka Sensei says there are people with the Kishu-Chikurin school who consider that the Buddhist principles incorporated by Chikurin-bo and his student Yoshimi Junsei, was enough of a change to say Chikurin-ryu.
